Studies show that in the Philippines, cases of depression are more prevalent among Filipino women compared to men. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse of the World Health Organization (WHO) cited that cases of depression among Filipino women are 1.5 more common compared to men. This information has been further affirmed by a global study conducted by Brodbeck and Evans which revealed that women around the world have low self-esteem, with only 2% of women globally describe their looks as beautiful. On the same study, it was revealed that 75% of women around the world describe their beauty as average while 50% rate their weight as too high.
Given these problems, PAGEONE launched a digital campaign dubbed as ‘Confidently Pinay’ that caters to Filipino women. The campaign utilizes PAGEONE’s digital and social media assets – particularly – in promoting positivity, self-confidence and self-worth among Filipino women through informative and engaging content.
Since its launch in 2017, the campaign has been successful in terms of meeting its objectives, exceeding the targets PAGEONE set for the campaign to achieve. Due to these achievements, the campaign has received multiple Anvil Awards from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).
As of 2021, the campaign has received a total of six (6) Anvil Awards under the categories of Public Relations Tools and Public Relations programs.
Awards Won:
• Silver Anvil Award – 52nd Anvil Awards – Public Relations Program – Specialized Public Relations Program
• Gold Anvil Award – 53rd Anvil Awards – Public Relations Tool – Multimedia
• Gold Anvil Award – 54th Anvil Awards – Public Relations Program – Public Relations Program Directed at Specific Stakeholders
• Silver Anvil Award – 56th Anvil Awards – Public Relations Program – Digital Public Relations Programs – Advocacy Campaign
• Silver Anvil Award – 56th Anvil Awards (2021) – Public Relations Tool – Multimedia/Digital Tool – Website/Blog
Years Won:
2017, 2018, 2019, 2021