Case Studies

TAT: Open To The New Shades

The Open to the New Shades PR campaign was borne out of the need of TAT and PAGEONE to raise appreciation and understanding for Thailand among Filipinos. Considering their behaviors, the campaign utilized tools...

STI Career Camp: Molding the Next Generation of Empowered Students Through Holistic Education

The STI Career Camp is a PR Program implemented to address communication gaps to better prepare today’s youth for Senior High School, College, and Employment through a series of workshops aligned with the K-12...

Baslay Coffee: Brewing a Better Life for Kaingeros

“Kaingin” is a traditional yet destructive agricultural method that has unfortunately been a way of life for many Filipinos residing in mountainous regions of the Philippines. It is one of the biggest causes of...

EDC: Powering a sustainable future for the indigenous people of Mt. Apo

Mount Apo in Mindanao, the highest peak in the Philippines, is also rich in natural resources such as geothermal steam, which can be harnessed to produce electricity. It is also the ancestral domain of...

We Are GCash Facebook Page: Utilizing effective social media strategies in promoting corporate reputation

In its quest to provide the most comprehensive and reliable digital financial solutions, GCash, the Philippines’ leading mobile wallet facility, is continuously finding more efficient and effective ways to improve the company’s accessibility to...

Bringing Financial Inclusivity to LGUs

GCash, in an effort to bring financial inclusion services to more Filipinos, partnered with local LGUs to foster digital lifestyles and promote a cashless ecosystem on a community level. As a result, the GCash x...

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